All’s Quiet on the Twilight Front – or..?

Yes we’ve gone quiet – I’ve not been taking a break so much as working intensely on other projects. I’ve fulfilled my childhood dream of directing two plays which I fell in love with at school aged 14: The Corn is Green, and Macbeth. I am hugely grateful to the Southwick Players who indulged my wanting to put on a play set in 1898 in Wales; and to Wick Theatre Company who indulged my Medieval vision of Macbeth in the round. Both were critical and popular hits: The Corn is Green won multiple Arts Council Awards and Macbeth received 4 stars from the Brighton Argus and “Wow!” from audience members.

I’ve also been in three other productions over the last 12 months: “Disappeared”, “The Tempest” and “Therese Raquin”. All three were fun and challenging (not necessarily in that order) and I’ve learned so much – as an actor, as a director, and producer.

Sometimes you have to step away in order to give yourself perspective. I have so many more theatrical ideas now to take Twilight Theatre forward through the year and plan for the future. So yes, we have been quiet, but the cogs are whirring. Check out more information, reviews and photos in the link below. Enjoy! Susanne

Thank you London

We’re now back from London and basking in the audience responses to our run at the Kings Head Theatre. It’s January, so the audiences were understandably small, but perfectly formed.

Outside the Kings Head, London (L to R) Alex Bond, Alex Louise, Matt Grief, Susanne Crosby

Some feedback:

“Brilliant!” “Loved it!” “beautifully performed”
“You recognise yourself in the characters” “Fantastic writing” “a wonderfully honest, comical and loveable script, performed by an amazing group of actors”

And a favourite with Suse Crosby: “It’s like the Peep Show meets Pinter, without the pauses.”

Backstage selfie – 5 minutes to go!

We shared our set with “Outlying Islands” so we were faced with the challenge of performing on mud. So, the set became ‘the garden’ in a new house where they were getting quotes for how best to landscape it! In a couple of hours we had adapted the beginning of the script to take into account the setting – which means, as is true of live theatre, you can go and see a show many times and each time see a slightly different play. It kept things fresh for both the audience and actors which is always a good thing.

So we say farewell to London – for now, and after a brief rest, we will be planning the creative future. Thank you everyone involved in this production, thank you all at the Kings Head Theatre, and thank you to the fabulous audiences that made performing this so much fun.

We are still appealing for funds for this run, if you are feeling generous please donate to our Crowdfunding page – and hopefully we will have future funds to go further afield and / or tour.

See you all soon!