by Susanne Crosby
Part of Brighton Fringe Festival 2025

As the First World War unfolds, three friends in rural Sussex feel very different calls to duty; changing their lives forever.
John and his mum Mags run their farm with Joe and Harry’s help: these three men are the closest of friends, more like brothers. At the declaration of War, all their lives change: challenging their values and the bond between them.
What is duty? Is it a call to King and Country or to humanity: can it be both?
All the facts surrounding this play are real: it draws on several years of historical research in archives from national and international sources, plus oral histories from the families of people who lived through those times.
This is a Sussex story; through John, Joe, Harry and Mags we experience the immediacy of what it was like at the time, the difficulties they faced, the joys in friendship, and the impact of the War both at the Front and those at home.
Loyalty – Lady Montague and Lady Capulet
Coming Soon – Dates to be Announced

We are thrilled to partner with Gin Palace Productions for our new production: “Loyalty – Lady Montague and Lady Capulet”.
What happens after ‘Romeo and Juliet’? Lady Montague waits for Lady Capulet – a long standing family rivalry hides a long forgotten friendship. What happened to them? What have they become? And is there any way through this minefield of feelings, trying to remember who they are, versus what is expected of them as wives and mothers?
A play about loyalty: to family, to your children, your partner – and most of all to yourself: what you know and feel to be right. A poignant, sometimes funny, sometimes tragic look at the lives of two women who we know so little about.
Features the magnificent Sam Nixon and the wonderful Suse Crosby.
Press Pack available soon
Cat is nearly out of the bag…
So exciting – I can barely contain myself… all details coming soon… Suse
Loyalty – Postponed
With huge apologies – our play: Loyalty – Lady Montague and Lady Capulet, has had to be postponed due to unforeseen circumstances – we are so disappointed not to be bringing you this next week, but rest assured we will be putting it on later in the year. Please keep an eye out for details. …
Loyalty – Next Week
Some advance previews – all the emotions here… Lady Montague and Lady Capulet have a lot of turmoil to navigate after the end of Romeo and Juliet. Book here
Brighton Fringe 2023 – we returned with “Days” – an eco thriller, at the Lantern Theatre. We were sold out, and it was both a critical and public success with amazing feedback – see below.

For the free Programme for the Show click here
Audience Feedback

Waiting for Curry

Four friends: two couples, and a lot of history.
The wine flows as they wait for their takeaway, they start catching up, as friends do – but there is something different about tonight.
Private thoughts start spilling over into polite conversation and suddenly they are sharing far more than they intended: longings, jealousies, and a secret past.
It’s an evening that changes them and their friendships forever.
Twilight Theatre premiered the acclaimed comedy drama Waiting for Curry by award winning Brighton based playwright Susanne Crosby to Hove Grown Festival in 2017.
A new incarnation went on to receive huge popular and critical success in the Brighton Fringe Festival 2018 with sold out shows and two extra performances due to demand.
We were invited by the Kings Head Theatre in London to perform there in January 2019.
View or download the free programme here
Some Audience Feedback:
“Brilliant!” “Loved it!” “beautifully performed”
“You recognise yourself in the characters” “Fantastic writing”
“a wonderfully honest, comical and loveable script, performed by an amazing group of actors”
And a favourite with Susanne Crosby: “It’s like the Peep Show meets Pinter, without the pauses.”
Below is some of the feedback during the Brighton Fringe 2018:

Kings Head Theatre: January 2019
Cast: Rob – Matt Grief; Chris – Susanne Crosby; Sue – Alex Louise; Phil – Alex Bond

Brighton Fringe Festival: May 2018
Cast: Rob – Matt Grief; Chris – Susanne Crosby; Sue – Alex Louise; Phil – Alex Bond

Hove Grown Festival: April 2017
Cast: Rob – Matt Grief; Chris – Kerri Frost; Sue – Sarah Griffin; Phil – Ben Cassan

James Roy on Meridian FM’s review 5 stars Review
Fringe Review classed it as “highly recommended” in both 2018 and 2017 and gave it brilliant reviews, for the writing, direction and all of the actors. Excerpts:
” There’s an added depth to this new version, and some very funny awkwardness. And a smash hit for several reasons.”
” …it’s a more complex play, even if indeed it hinges on rekindled attraction between Sue and Rob, and the reasons Rob honourably withdrew so many years back. For Sue he’s the one. For Rob, it’s not so certain. Matt Grief – the one survivor from the original cast – deftly layers a far more complex role than his initial gruff materialism lets on.
Crosby’s particular achievement lies in characterising four distinct individuals whose motivations – revealed in four monologues as the others freeze – show none of them shallow but awkward and less articulate when interacting. “
“There’s a social reckoning, a denouement, and a very unexpected plot point. It’s the kind of thing you’d expect from someone who knows what percentages can do. This version has a new emotional depth and residual wisdom with some fine lines – especially when Rob somehow blames Chris for his actions.
Grief’s baffled and compromised decency’s a thing that has you revolving the truth of it after you’ve left. Is he being truthful? Is he deluding himself in his protestations? We want to know. The cast’s uniformly convincing – Bond’s perfect subfusc, Crosby does hurt crossness and your heart goes out to Louise. But Grief’s layerings and self-contradictions as Rob perhaps carry the palm.
In its unassuming clarity it hooks universal feelings into a moment. It’s an excellent play and cast needing wider circulation; the audience again was packed. There’s a quietly sad magic to this low-key play; people recognize themselves in it. It speaks.”
Read the full 2018 review here
Read the full 2017 review here
Our Heroes
When the Kings Head Theatre invited us to perform “Waiting for Curry” at their prestigious venue we were over the moon. Of course we said yes. But the reality of taking it there dawned on us – that we needed extra help. We put together a Crowdfunder to help us get there and below are some of the heroes whose generosity made it possible to take it to London.
Heartfelt thanks to our supporters:
Paddy Cooper ~ Lesley Louise ~ Eleanor ~ Lianne Garcia ~ Emma Howarth
Helen Smith ~ Sam Anthony ~ Olover Watt ~ Rose Hall-Smith
The Session
James Roy at Meridian FM – 4 stars
Audience Feedback:
“Well done … for a fabulous performance and Suse Crosby for another brilliant play” “It gets the old grey matter thinking. One not to miss. Written by the amazing Suse Crosby.” “Excellent twist, didn’t guess the ending… all cast very good.” “Loved it, very tense. Loved the twist. Wonderful writing.” “Loved it” “Cleverly written, brilliantly performed” “What an amazing fantastic performance! A brilliantly written script and a very very talented cast” “It was fantastic. Gripping, funny, poignant.” “Really enjoyed the twist” “Brilliantly written”
Cast: Emma – Alex Louise; Tom – Kevin Cherry; Neil – Alex Bond